Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Most people spend their anniversary doing something romantic ... maybe a nice dinner or a special night out ... but I suppose we aren't most people.  We spent the day on an 8 hour ride back home from our Biltmore trip

Some wives might also be upset with their husbands for forgetting their anniversary ... but not this wife.  I ended up getting a scribbled wish in crayon on a kids menu from my husband this morning and it actually made me laugh.  I've learned that having a good husband all year is far more important than a gift on one day.

So, happy anniversary to us ... and while we had a great time, there's really no place like home.  I'll share more about my trip this week.


  1. Happy Anniversary! I love visiting the Biltmore Estates! I still remember our 21st anniversary when we were stuck in a very small and very rural town in Utah during our RV vacation out West. Our trailer needed repairs so we were camped there and I cooked hamburgers in our trailer on our anniversary. These are the anniversaries that you remember the most and we still laugh about it.

  2. Happy Anniversary. It truly is the other 364 days a year that mean the most - because actions speak louder than words.

    :) Laura

  3. Oh Happy Anniversary! Now I am embarressed to admit that I forgot our anniversary this last year and it was our 25th. How could I do such a thing. Well, my DH had a good laugh. I guess he really is the best and sounds like yours is too. Hope you had a fantastic trip. Hugs, Marty

  4. I agree about the good husband all year...I have one of those. He treats me like a princess all the time, and that is worth a million gifts or cards!! That's just the way he is and I love him...I can pick out my own goodies, thank you.

  5. Happy Anniversary. Too funny about the crayoned card - at least he is a keeper all the rest of the year.

  6. Happy Anniversary!!


  7. Happy Anniversary! You are so right, having a loving husband all year is sooo much better than just remembering that one time of the year. I have the all year kind too and I love him so much. It is the little things that are important. I wish for you a long life with your wonderful husband.


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