Friday, April 3, 2009

New plates ...

I got this lace edge milk glass plate several weeks ago when I was visiting my parents in Delaware.

I always look for them now when I'm out and about but haven't had any luck. I also look online but its always one or two plates and by the time you add in shipping, well, its more than I want to pay. The other day, I got lucky and found a set of six and I just got them this week. I think these would look great on my table with a blue tablecloth I have.

They're smallish dessert plates so I can't exactly serve dinner yet. The hunt for more of these continues ...


  1. ohh those are very beautiful! I was just thinking today how nice it would be to have something like that for Easter dinner.

  2. I sometimes get lucky in resale shops or really big antique malls finding milk glass pieces, but it's hard to find a whole set! Good luck! I adore milk glass too.

  3. Those plates will be nice with any napkins or tablecloths...very versatile! LOve them!


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