Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Parterre Garden

I have been wanting to create a round parterre garden edged in English boxwoods in my front yard for a few years now. Last year, we transplanted an evergreen which now sits in the center. Around the evergreen, I wanted to plant some sort of flowers en masse and enclose it all with the boxwood hedge. Today I saw the boxwoods on sale at my favorite nursery. My only problem is how to carry all those boxwoods with 2 little ones in tow. My plan is simple as I don't have the space or time to do something more elaborate, but here are some inspiring parterre gardens.




I love this idea of doing two different colored flowers. I think I'd like to incorporate something like that.




1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it be amazing to have a garden like this! I've been to some and always love them.

    I have a more tropical type garden and I guess I wouldn't trade it for the world but it sure is nice to look at some pictures!



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